What are your priorities for your area?

Birmingham Northfield Conservatives Launch Survey to Shape Community Plan

We are engaging with the community and ensure our efforts align with the priorities of local residents. As part of our commitment to creating a better Birmingham, we have launched a comprehensive survey aimed at gathering input from the public. This initiative is a crucial part of our ongoing mission to hold Birmingham Labour to account and champion initiatives that make our area cleaner, greener, and safer.

Delivering for Local People

Our local Conservative team has been working tirelessly to deliver positive outcomes for the people of Birmingham. By addressing the issues that matter most to residents, we aim to improve the quality of life in our community. Our focus on holding Birmingham Labour accountable ensures that the city's leadership remains transparent and effective.

We want to know what your priorities are for our area. Whether it's improving public services, enhancing green spaces, or boosting community safety, your input will play a crucial role in shaping our action plan.

How to Participate

You can participate in the survey by filling it out and letting us know the issues that are most important to you. The feedback we gather will inform the development of a plan that truly reflects the needs and desires of our community.

Our Plan Survey

  • Current Our Plan
  • National Issues
  • Get involved
  • Your details
1.1 Which THREE of these local issues are most important to you?